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E.U. Elections Could Leave Hard Right Stumbling Over Its Own Decisions

The European Parliament elections, which began on May 23, 2019, and concluded on May 26, 2019, were significant due to the potential influence of far-right political parties. These elections were held every five years to determine the composition of the European Parliament, which is one of the two main institutions of the European Union (EU), alongside the European Council.

The far-right parties gained a considerable number of seats in these elections, making it their best-ever performance in EU politics. According to the European Parliament's official results, these parties secured a total of 111 seats out of a total of 705 seats. Some of the most notable far-right parties that made gains in these elections include the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in Germany, the National Rally (RN) in France, the Freedom Party (FPO) in Austria, and the Lega in Italy.

The success of these far-right parties can be attributed to various factors, including anti-immigration sentiment, dissatisfaction with traditional political establishments, and economic uncertainty. However, their gains also exposed significant fissures and divisions within the far-right camp.

One of the most significant divisions was between those who sought closer cooperation and alignment with each other and those who preferred to maintain their nationalist agendas. For instance, some far-right parties, such as the National Rally in France and the Freedom Party in Austria, have expressed their desire to form a group in the European Parliament to promote their shared interests. However, other parties, such as the Alternative for Germany and the Lega in Italy, have been hesitant to form such an alliance due to their differing priorities and ideologies.

Another issue that has caused divisions among far-right parties is their stance on Russia. Some parties, such as the National Rally and the Freedom Party, have been criticized for their pro-Russian views and their opposition to EU sanctions against Russia. However, other parties, such as the Alternative for Germany and the Lega, have taken a more critical stance towards Russia and have called for a tougher EU policy towards Moscow.

Furthermore, there have been concerns about the potential impact of far-right parties on EU decision-making and the stability of the EU as a whole. Some experts have warned that their presence in the European Parliament could lead to a paralysis of the EU decision-making process and undermine the EU's commitment to democratic values and human rights. Others have argued that their influence could lead to a shift towards more nationalist and protectionist policies, which could harm the EU's economic interests and its relations with other countries.

In conclusion, the 2019 European Parliament elections marked a significant moment in EU politics due to the gains made by far-right parties and the divisions within their camp. While these parties have expressed their desire to promote their shared interests and form alliances, their differing priorities and ideologies have caused significant divisions and raised concerns about their potential impact on EU decision-making and stability. Only time will tell how these parties will use their newfound influence and whether they will be able to overcome their internal divisions and work towards a common agenda.

Published 15 days ago

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