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Mother-of-two sparks backlash after revealing why she NEVER returns her shopping cart

Leslie Dobson, a mother of two and a licensed psychologist based in California, recently stirred up controversy on social media when she shared her reason for not returning shopping carts after using them at the grocery store. In a now-viral TikTok video, Dobson explained that she no longer returns shopping carts due to safety concerns, specifically regarding potential kidnapping risks and the possibility of breaking the law.

The video, which has garnered over 10 million views, shows Dobson standing in front of a grocery store with a full shopping cart, stating, "I don't return my carts. I know it's a hot topic, but hear me out." She then proceeded to list her reasons for this unconventional practice.

Firstly, Dobson addressed the issue of potential kidnapping risks. She explained that when parents are focused on loading their groceries into their vehicles, they might not notice if someone places their child in an unattended shopping cart, making it an easy opportunity for an abduction attempt. By not returning the cart, Dobson believes she reduces this risk for herself and other parents.

Secondly, Dobson mentioned that leaving shopping carts in parking lots can result in fines for those who do not return them. In some areas, grocery stores have implemented programs where customers are charged a fee for not returning their carts. However, Dobson argued that these fees are often not enforced consistently or fairly, leading her to believe that it is not worth the risk of potentially being fined for an action that she believes keeps her family safer.

It is important to note that there is no definitive evidence that not returning shopping carts increases the risk of kidnapping or that leaving them in parking lots results in consistent fines. However, Dobson's reasoning has sparked a heated debate on social media, with some agreeing with her safety concerns while others argue that returning shopping carts is a simple act of courtesy and responsibility.

Grocery stores typically encourage customers to return their carts for several reasons, including reducing clutter in parking lots, saving time for employees who would otherwise have to collect them, and minimizing the environmental impact of disposable carts. However, Dobson's perspective highlights the importance of considering safety concerns when making decisions, even if they go against societal norms or expectations.

In conclusion, Leslie Dobson's decision not to return shopping carts has sparked a significant conversation on social media regarding safety, responsibility, and the potential risks associated with leaving or not leaving shopping carts in parking lots. While there is no definitive evidence to support her specific reasons, the debate highlights the importance of considering various perspectives when making decisions that impact our daily lives.

Published 15 days ago

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