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Abia Gov, Otti, Condoles Army, Families of Slain Soldiers, Vows to Smoke Out Killers

The Governor of Abia State in Nigeria, Okezie Ikpeazu, has expressed his condolences to the Nigerian Army and the families of the slain soldiers following the recent attack on a military formation in Isuikwuato Local Government Area of the state. The attack resulted in the death of several soldiers and left many injured.

Governor Ikpeazu, in a statement issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Onyebuchi Ememanka, condemned the attack and called on security agencies to smoke out the perpetrators of the heinous act. He also urged the military to go after the killers and not innocent citizens.

The Governor further stated that governance must be devoid of politics and should be focused on serving the people better. He emphasized that there is no justification whatsoever for the killing of soldiers or any innocent citizens.

The Labour Party (LP) in Abia State also condemned the attack and called on the military to ensure that those behind the attack are brought to justice. The party's Publicity Secretary, Chukwuma Nwaogu, in a statement, urged the military to focus on apprehending the killers and not innocent citizens.

Nwaogu stated that the LP is committed to ensuring peace and security in the state and urged all citizens to remain calm and law-abiding. He also called on the security agencies to intensify efforts in ensuring the safety and security of all residents in the state.

The Nigerian Army has confirmed the attack and has launched a manhunt for the perpetrators. The army spokesperson, Onyema Nwachukwu, in a statement, assured that the army will not rest until the perpetrators are brought to justice.

The attack on the military formation in Isuikwuato is not the first of its kind in the state. In recent times, there have been several attacks on security formations and personnel in Abia State, leading to the death and injury of several soldiers and policemen.

The Nigerian military and other security agencies have been working tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of all residents in the state. However, the recent attacks have raised concerns about the security situation in the state and the need for more resources and manpower to tackle the security challenges.

The Abia State Government and the Labour Party have called on all residents to remain calm and law-abiding while assuring them that efforts are being made to ensure their safety and security. They have also urged the military and other security agencies to intensify their efforts in apprehending the perpetrators of the attacks and bringing them to justice.

In conclusion, the recent attack on a military formation in Isuikwuato Local Government Area of Abia State has resulted in the death and injury of several soldiers. The Governor of the state and the Labour Party have condemned the attack and called on the military and other security agencies to smoke out the perpetrators and focus on apprehending them and not innocent citizens. The Nigerian military has launched a manhunt for the perpetrators and has assured that they will not rest until they are brought to justice. The state government and the Labour Party have urged all residents to remain calm and law-abiding while assuring them that efforts are being made to ensure their safety and security.

Published 15 days ago

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