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Southwest Airlines is back in court over firing of flight attendant with anti-abortion views

Southwest Airlines is scheduled to appear before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana on March 6, 2023, for a hearing related to a lawsuit filed by a former flight attendant, Lorraine Rothmann. The lawsuit alleges that Rothmann was wrongfully terminated from her position at Southwest due to her anti-abortion views and her refusal to attend a mandatory diversity and inclusion training session that included content related to abortion.

Rothmann, a practicing Catholic and a member of the pro-life organization Human Life International, claims that she was subjected to discrimination and a hostile work environment after expressing her pro-life beliefs to her colleagues. She asserts that her supervisors and colleagues made derogatory comments about her views and subjected her to retaliation after she reported the harassment.

In December 2021, a jury awarded Rothmann $800,000 in damages for emotional distress and lost wages. The jury also ordered Southwest to pay an additional $350,000 in punitive damages. In addition to the monetary award, the judge presiding over the case, Judge Martin Feldman, issued a separate order requiring Southwest's lawyers to undergo religious liberty training from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a conservative Christian legal group.

Southwest has appealed the jury's verdict and the order for religious liberty training. The airline argues that Rothmann's termination was not related to her religious beliefs but rather her performance issues and attendance record. Southwest also contends that the religious liberty training order is unconstitutional and violates the separation of church and state.

The hearing on March 6, 2023, will focus on Southwest's motion for a new trial and its appeal of the religious liberty training order. The outcome of the hearing could have significant implications for the legal landscape surrounding religious freedom and workplace discrimination.

It's important to note that this is a developing story and more information may become available as the case progresses through the legal system.

Published 15 days ago

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