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A woman kept getting drunk despite not drinking. Fungi in her gut were brewing their own alcohol.

Auto-Brewery Syndrome, also known as endogenous ethanol fermentation or gut fermentation syndrome, is an extremely rare condition where the body produces ethanol (alcohol) due to an overgrowth of yeast in the gut. This condition can lead to symptoms similar to those of being intoxicated, such as slurred speech, unsteady gait, and confusion, even when the person has not consumed any alcohol.

The exact cause of Auto-Brewery Syndrome is unknown, but it is believed that it may be due to several factors including an overgrowth of yeast in the small intestine, malabsorption of food, and the presence of certain conditions that promote the growth of yeast, such as diabetes or other metabolic disorders.

The fermentation process occurs when the yeast in the gut feeds on undigested carbohydrates and converts them into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This process can occur in the small intestine or the large intestine. The ethanol then enters the bloodstream and is transported to various parts of the body, leading to the symptoms of intoxication.

Auto-Brewery Syndrome is a very rare condition and is believed to affect only a few hundred people worldwide. It is often misdiagnosed as alcoholism or other conditions, making it difficult for individuals with this condition to receive proper treatment.

The diagnosis of Auto-Brewery Syndrome involves several tests including blood tests to measure ethanol levels, breath tests to measure acetate levels (a byproduct of fermentation), and stool tests to check for the presence of yeast overgrowth. Treatment typically involves antibiotics to eliminate the overgrowth of yeast and dietary modifications to reduce the amount of undigested carbohydrates in the gut.

It is important to note that Auto-Brewery Syndrome is not a condition that allows individuals to get drunk intentionally without consuming alcohol. The symptoms of intoxication are real and can be dangerous, and individuals with this condition should be treated with the same seriousness as those with alcoholism or other conditions that lead to intoxication.

In summary, Auto-Brewery Syndrome is an extremely rare condition where the body produces ethanol due to an overgrowth of yeast in the gut. This condition can lead to symptoms similar to those of being intoxicated even when the person has not consumed any alcohol. The exact cause of the condition is unknown and it is often misdiagnosed, making it important for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Published 23 days ago

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